Technical Support

Technical Support: comprehensive service and holistic support

Our mission: to optimize your plant, increase machine and overall plant performance, and optimize mechanical & electronic components.

Technical support from TRAPO: Our specialists are on duty for you worldwide with an optimally-equipped assembly fleet.

Maintenance & Servicing

  • Cyclic maintenance
    Avoid plant downtime due to spare parts no longer being available! We keep you up to date in the truest sense of the word: In the event of upcoming discontinuation processes, we communicate the availability and production of components – and provide concrete proposals for solutions.
  • Software Service
    The comprehensive TRAPO service includes update services and support.

Your advantages:

  • Comprehensive fault diagnosis via help desk
  • Direct IT connection for cost-effective, qualified and holistic support
  • Worldwide deployment: A specialist from our mobile service team departs for the site within 24 hours**

**U.V. entry requirements/crisis regions/dependent on booked service package

Third-party services

  • Maintenance of third-party robot cells
    Regular third-party robot cell maintenance as a guarantee for precision and efficiency. Our factory-qualified specialists take on maintenance orders as system partners of KUKA, among others; regardless of whether we supplied the robots. We recommend the cost-saving, plannable maintenance. In the course of this order, the TRAPO team provides evidence of the current condition, recommendations for optimizations and pending repairs.
  • Their protective devices help to avoid potential hazards from overrun machines and thus prevent accidents. The overrun time of a machine can change due to wear, for example. On request, we check your safety distances according to EN ISO 13855 – overrun measurement.


  • Complex plant technologies require comprehensive training: during the FAT (Factory Acceptance Test) at TRAPO or at your site.

Retrofit & Upgrades

  • Durable equipment from TRAPO proves its reliability for decades. Our retrofits and upgrades include TRAPO’s unique selling points – a fitness concept for power performance in your production.
  • Retrofit & upgrades enhance existing transport and robotics systems

* depending on the booked maintenance contract as well as entry requirements

Further information