ECO-Box Packaging System

Shelf-Ready Packaging: A Trend with Many Advantages for Attractive Product Presentation

More and more single-family households are turning to the handy pouches – for convenience products or pet food, for example. Retailers also appreciate the advantages: the goods are quickly opened and ready to be presented in a clearly arranged box – there is no need for cumbersome storage of individual goods. TRAPO engineers put the idea to the test. The result is an innovative, highly flexible generation of machines that is particularly convincing in the area of sustainability.

Gentle product handling with suction pads

  • While in competitor machines a fork gripper pushes several product bags into the box at the same time, with TRAPO each product is sucked in individually using a pick and place solution and gently placed in the box
  • The type of packaging itself forms the advantage: with standard two-part packaging, the lid ends up directly in the waste – the layout of the Eco-Box does without the lid and has low waste – at this point, up to 25% cardboard material can be saved!
  • Alternative wrap-around formats have a tear-open perforation that leaves a messy cut when opened. The Eco-Box is different: the tear area is clean, the perforation is not visible and is turned away from the customer’s view.


  • Savings of 25 % resources / cardboard packaging
  • More flexibility, fewer format changes
  • For shelf-ready cartons and other carton packages
  • Short changeover times
  • Higher pallet utilization
  • Low maintenance costs
  • Camera-assisted troubleshooting
  • Instructions for format changeover via video tutorial
  • Preventive maintenance with TIM (TRAPO Intelligent Management System)

The innovative concept of a machine for forming, filling and closing cardboard boxes

Highly flexible, the Eco-Box Packaging System fits into any production environment

Depending on the given production hall layout, the erector can also be positioned separately from the Eco-Box Packaging System, independent of space, at any point in production and connected via conveyor technology.

The magazine stores a carton stack of about 350 blanks. The blanks are individually folded into a carton, glued, erected and placed on the conveyor belt.

The processing steps

The cardboard blanks are loaded into a blank magazine (1 meter long).
A folding die forms the cardboard, glues and compresses the glue through a punch.
The erected carton is placed on the infeed belt for filling.
The product is fed to the filling and closing machine lying down.
A pick-and-place robot (delta, gantry or kinematic) carefully picks up the products.
The product is held flat, turned 90° and placed in the box.
The closing of the box is done with hot glue.

The Eco-Box as a sustainable alternative: actively save energy and CO2 emissions

The production benefits: Savings in packaging material, streamlining of intralogistics, and more process-stable packaging of pouches, flowpacks, and cartons – for an attractive ROI and ecological added value.

The advantages at a glance:

  • Up to 25% less blank consumption
  • 40 centimeter board depth

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